Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete Wiki

Venalita (ヴェナリータ, Venarīta?) is a mascot who recruits magical girls for Enormeeta.


Venalita appears as a black cat-like stuffed animal, reminiscent of a bat, with a gold star for a tail and gold star symbols on its ears and chest. Its arms are hidden within baggy sleeves. Its mouth and eyes are also yellow and it appears to be without a nose.


Venalita is shrewd and pragmatic, using whatever means necessary to recruit members into Enormeeta. Venalita is also quick of mind, as they were able to successfully get Utena to forgive them for tricking her with a fake sob story (by making up a story about how their people are being killed by magical girls, at the behest of the "good" mascots, and that Venalita doesn't mind being labelled as evil as long as their people can be saved.)

They manipulated Lord Enorme into acting as a challenge to promote the growth of the the younger members of Enormeeta and disposed of her after she fulfilled her purpose. It is also implied that Lord Enorme escaping with two magical girl transformation items was intentional and part of Venalita's plan for some unknown goal.


  • Can fly.
  • Can transform girls into magical girls using transformation stars.
  • Can create portals.[2]
  • Is a master at manipulation and gaslighting.


  • "Venalita" comes from Latin "Venalitas", meaning bribability.[3]
  • Has 20k followers on social media.
  • Venalita refers to themself using "ボク" (boku) in Japanese.[4][5]

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